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Things I Like About The Alur Slik

Things I love about the #alurslik:  1. I can hold it in my childlike hand  2. It's pretty  3. Easy to fill  4. Amazing flavor  5. Fluffy clouds  6. And it is so fucking soft! I could just hold it and it makes me feel calm!

It's Been a Minute But I'm Back!

Hey all! I decided to revive this blog because I'm looking at doing more with my writing and working towards doing some work for clients so I thought this would be a good place to showcase what I'm working on. I'll be putting some of my Instagram posts on here as well as writing some vaping articles to give potential clients an idea of what I'm able to do.  I've always been fascinated with the research behind vaping; especially the research coming from the UK. They are miles ahead of the research being done here in Canada and in the US but even Canadian research is starting to catch up. Recently, I read an article about how Health Canada is admitting that vaping is much safer than smoking! Finally! If there's something in particular you'd like me to write about, please feel free to hit me up on Instagram. Vaping has changed my life. Twice.  Yes, I went back to smoking at one point. I had a major life trauma that just shook my world. I went back to what was c